Exploring our Subpersonalities
All proceeds go to the Animal Shelter SPCA Tobago Branch for:-
FUND RAISING (click here)
...the creation of a space for puppies to play & exercise in and for people to interact with them.
A special thanks to Kariwak Village Hotel for providing its lovely ‘Ajoupa’ space for the workshop...
THE SHELTER, SPCA Tobago Branch, Friendsfield Road, Bacolet,Tobago
Personal Development Group Workshop
Subpersonalities are the inner voices that we created when younger to help us to cope with the demands of our environment. They are our survival mechanisms each with its own personality, thoughts, emotions, beliefs and needs. Some of them are easier to recognize than others which can be well hidden in our unconscious. At times conflict may arise among the various voices, each wanting different things. The idea of the workshop is to get to know these inner voices little by little so that we can identify their needs and desires with the intention of integrating them. In this way we can find new ways to cope with new situations instead of using the same survival mechanisms of the past that are now out-dated.
Course given by Vanessa Soodeen - Gestalt Therapist (Spain)
-Certified in Psychosynthesis (UK)
-BA in Psychology and Philosophy (Ireland)
-Certified in Psychosynthesis (UK)
-BA in Psychology and Philosophy (Ireland)
Ajoupa, Kariwak Village Hotel
September 2009, Saturday 26
9:00 - 17:00
Language: English
For information and reservation: veesoodeen@gmail.com
For information and reservation: veesoodeen@gmail.com
All donations happily accepted!
Let’s help the PUPPY RUN get made.
http://www.ttspca.com/ specify it’s for the ‘Project Puppy Run’
All proceeds go to the Animal Shelter SPCA Tobago Branch for:-
FUND RAISING (click here)
...the creation of a space for puppies to play & exercise in and for people to interact with them.
A special thanks to Kariwak Village Hotel for providing its lovely ‘Ajoupa’ space for the workshop...
for update 1 year later (2010)
see fotos click here